This project is an oppertunity to place a creative filter on ye olde humdrum yearbooke. The ideas so far are an a version of a bit-type Marioesque theme. Cosmo's and Mario's colour scheme are bothe red heavy and the catch phrase " Itsa meia, Mario!" becomes " Itsa meia, Cosmo!". Bowser, the villan from Mario can be changed as can Princess Peach. The enemies in Mario such as the Goombas (mushrooms) and Koopas (turtles) can be revisioned following the colour scheme and made into soccerballs or something school related.
The second theme is comic books. Students become heroes and villans, the style of the pages would be patently comic book and there would be explosive font: BANG! POW! KERPLAUNCH! The colours scheme can be based around the school colours of red and black. All I have to do is stay away from the the copyrighted marvel super hero junk and I'll be fine.
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