Monday, 26 September 2011

Whats in Keith's head? Reflection

I started this piece with the idea of the back of my head being broken and leaking out an inner personality and I solidly followed through  with this idea. I took multiple photos of myself, by myself, and used the best ones. You'll see a black and red face and a white face in the bottom center of the picture. These are placed side by side for maximum contrast and represent the conscience. Think angel on one shoulder, devil on the other.  The other was just the back of my head. Have you ever seen a more gorgeous back of the head? I thought not. For this I wanted a puzzle piece hole to show that people are made of lots of little defining pieces that come together to form a whole. Inside my head I wanted to display a natural curvature to make it really look like the inside of an egg or a ball. I found some stained glass which curved nicely and appealed to my artistic tastes. I also have the back of a mask with eyes peering in through the eye holes. The mask itself is pretty self explanatory and the eyes represent the introspection that was needed to create this piece. Out of my head you ll see swatches of colour escaping and musical notes. The musical notes and rainbow piano keys represent my love of music (as a listener only. I couldn't play an instrument to save my life) especially classical music. I think music is a far more important part of life than it is given credit for and I think it is psychologically nessicary to facilitate the development of society, the economy and human thought in general. Those colourful characters you see poping out of my cranium are the world reknown British comic group that travels under the prestidgious name of Monty Python. The Cessna 172 light aircraft towing the piano keys is just a blurg of self history: I took flying lessons and am currently trying to get my Pilot's liscence. The skull headed Egyptian sphinx on the lower left side mirrors not only my early love for Egypt but my adoration of the macbre and sinister. At the top of my head there are three stacks of books sprouting and these are meant to show my love of the written word. You'll also notice I'm wearing a pretty fancy hat. I'm wearing it because I look good in a hat. The background of this image is a darkened room with the wallpaper consisting of black and white photos of crowds from the 1930's and a floor of dingy cement. This grim habitat represents the way we all feel sometimes: alone and yet in a crowd. Usually this aren'y clear when we feel like this: dingy dim room. The blue skeletal image you see behind my noggin is the bare bones of a Bermese python. This represents my respect and appreciation of biology, animals and nature. As well as my awe for the bone splintering strength of the Bermese python. And I enjoy the colour blue. All in all this in't my favourite piece but I'm glad it's done.

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