Thursday 15 September 2011

Brain Storming for Alter Ego

I like classical music
I like a cup of straight tea to start my morning
I want to go into a career that utilizes visual arts

I like fiction, mostly fantasy and sci-fi and horror for reading and comedies, documentaries and reality based movies

Love British Comedy: Monty Python, Black Adder

I don't know what three labels my friends would apply to me as I'm not a mind reader. I could change that about myself. I wont guess at what they say so ask them yourself. If I wanted to change anything about myself I would be doings so. I am quite satisfied with the distance between me and the world, thanka veery much.

Goal Numero One: Improve my drawing skills. 2: Get a job. 3: Learn to drive stick-shift.  4: Learn to fly a plane. 5: Get into the University of Toronto.

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